Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is common and can take many forms including emotional, physical, sexual, financial or psychological abuse. Statistics show the police receive one call every minute about it, even though it is estimated that the majority of abuse goes unreported. It happens in close relationships between people of all ages, gender, sexual orientation, class and culture.
Acknowledging that a partner, spouse or family member is abusing you is one of the hardest steps you can take. We know that you may be frightened, confused and anxious and asking for help can be difficult and daunting.
Our domestic abuse solicitors can provide you with legal advice on obtaining legal aid and applying for an injunction. They can support you through this difficult time, working with you to decide an approach that you are most comfortable with.
As someone who has suffered domestic abuse, there are many options available to you, from reporting the violence to the police, obtaining an injunctive order, to temporarily (or permanently) leaving your home or remaining within your home and having your abuser leave. Our domestic
abuse solicitors can provide you with legal advice on what the most appropriate steps are for your current situation. Securing your safety is our top
priority, and we will become part of your support network, providing expert advice every step of the way.
At Yarwood Holmes Law Limited we have a vast level of experience in helping people who want help to leave their abusive partners.