Kinship Carers and Special Guardianship Orders

Often within Care proceedings, extended family members such as Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles will be assessed by Children’s Services to care for children within their family in the event that they cannot be safely returned to the care of their parents. In certain circumstances, such family members may be joined to Care Proceedings and we can assess eligibility for legal aid and represent parties in those proceedings. Often the Local Authority will fund one off legal advice for family members who may be recommended to become Special Guardians for children. This is an important piece of advice to ensure you enter into the legal binding arrangement fully aware of your rights and how this may impact both you and the children moving forward.
If you are caring for a child on behalf of a family member, whether or not Children Services are involved with the family, we can help discuss your situation and how to ensure you secure Parental Responsibility to assist you in making the day to day decisions you need to make for that child and to obtain an Order (Child Arrangements Order/Special Guardianship Order) securing the child in your care if this is what is needed.